Sunday, April 24, 2011


To All our Family & Friends,

I pray that your heart is profoundly touched by remembering that nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus went to the Cross, died, and was buried in a borrowed tomb. For several days, Jesus' body remained lifeless as His followers melted with fear and found their faith in the icy grip of confusion and despair.

Thank God that Jesus' crucifixion story does not end with the Lord's body enslaved to death and decay in that borrowed tomb! No, Easter Sunday was coming even though none of Jesus' followers seemed to expect the events of that incredible Resurrection Sunday Morning. They were completely surprised, held breathless by the incredible experiences of meeting the Lord alive again - walking, talking, and eating with the One they loved so deeply and that they thought was gone. Some were startled. Some fell and grasped his feet. Others disbelieved for joy. Another placed his hands in the imprints left by the nails and spear. And little by little, follower after follower, Jesus showed himself alive and offered many different proofs of his resurrection and they believed. They then testified to their faith, sometimes at the cost of their own lives, so they could share this good news with others.

So my prayer is that you have a Blessed Easter Sunday, this first Sunday after Passover. And on this glorious day, I pray that the Holy Spirit, the gift of the risen Jesus, will re-ignite your passion, hope, and courage to live for our Lord no matter what challenges you face!

We pray God's richest blessings for you and yours, and we pray that our living and reigning Lord will make His presence powerfully real to you as you serve Him in the days ahead.

Blessed Easter To All,
In God's Love & Grace always,
Sarah Gina*
(Mom to 3)

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blessed Palm Sunday, Happy Birthday Katherine & Update

Hello To All our Family & Friends,

First we would like to wish everyone a blessed Palm Sunday. For Christians we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem as we enter the week of his death and resurrection. Palm Sunday or "Passion Sunday" marks the beginning of Holy week culminating on Easter Sunday.

The bible tells us that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, he was greeted with palm branches that they waved in front of him and also covered his path. Immediately following this celebration, Jesus begins his journey to the cross.

Here in Mexico, Palm Sunday is called Domingo de Ramos. As Mexico is predominantly Catholic, many processions and celebrations are held during Holy week or Semana Santa up until Easter Sunday or Pascua.

Today I would also like to wish my daughter Katherine a very Happy 20th Birthday! I can't believe that I now have two daughters that are in their 20's! I am getting old. Dearest Katherine, may you have a special day today and may you always know how very much you are loved! When you were born you weighed in at 9 lbs.1 oz.! I remember that for the first months of your life you seemed to be always crying --- you were very colicky --- But -- then, at the age of 9 months you woke up one morning - with the most tremendous smile :) -- and the crying stopped. From that day forward the one most notable feature about you (besides your beauty) that everyone comments on is your "infectious smile". When you smile you light up the room and everyone else smiles along with you!

So Katherine, my wish for you today, on your birthday, is to keep smiling that beautiful smile and to always know that you are so very loved!!!

Jessica is doing well. Although she has her daily challenges, mainly dealing with movement problems in her right foot and GI dysfunction, we ask for prayers that these issues resolve so that she can maintain her weight and nutritional status without further testing or intervention. She continues to face each day with grace beyond our own understanding and with strength that only comes from the One and only Jesus! When I think back at last year during this time, and being in the hospital all those months, you sometimes do have to remember where you have been to realize how very far you have indeed come! During this Easter season we reflect on how truly blessed we are and how thankful we are for the sacrifice that was made for us!

Thank you also for your prayers for David. He had successful surgery to repair 3 hernias and was hospitalized for 2 weeks. He is now home recuperating with the help of my daughter Michelle, who has shown us how very mature a 14 year old can be! Thank you also to his nurse Jackie and to all those who helped with meals, rides, etc. during this time. He couldn't have done it without you all!

With Palm Sunday blessings to all,
Sarah Gina
(Mom to 3)

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