Friday, May 31, 2013

Rest in peace, Johnny Boy

There are some people you meet in life that you will never ever forget. Your life is better, richer, and happier for having known them. It is a special connection that only God can make. For me, John Roach was, and will always be, one of those people.

John and I met three years ago, under less than ideal circumstances. We were both down in the hospital in Monterrey Mexico, receiving ketamine treatment from Dr. Cantu, hoping to put our agonizing pain from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy into remission and gain some semblance of a normal life.

I had been in the hospital for nearly 10 months when we met, and Rosemary, John, and my mom and I quickly hit it off and became friends.

John told me how up until 9 years ago, he had been a very active man. He volunteered as a fireman and worked at a very physically demanding job at a utility company.

That is, until he had an injury that changed everything and he developed RSD.

Before RSD John also loved singing. He told me that he pursued his wife, Rosemary, by singing outside her bedroom window until she finally agreed to go out with him. He promised her that if she would marry him, he would sing to her everyday for the rest of their lives.

When I met John at the hospital in Mexico, even laughing was not possible for him. Any type of activity at all that required the use of the muscles in his neck caused him severe pain flare ups in his neck, shoulder, arm and hand.

Needless to say, singing was out of the question...

Rosemary has referred to the day of John’s injury as “The day the music died” in their household.

The suffering that this disease causes, and the things that you lose because of it, never cease to amaze me. But how special people can come into your life through this pain, continually amazes me as well.

My mom and I always felt a very special connection to both Rosemary & John and feel so blessed that they became a part of our extended family. It's weird to think that we have only known them for 3 years. Our bond goes so deep it feels as if we'd known each other forever.

Last year I was back in the hospital. On the morning before my surgery, I got a special call via skype. It was John. He said that he had a surprise for me—he was going to sing!

I had the honor of being the first ‘concert’ that he had performed in years!

He sang “You’ve Got A Friend” by Carole King.

.”…You just call out my name/And you know wherever I am/I'll come running to see you again/Winter, spring, summer or fall/All you have to do is call/And I'll be there/You've got a friend…”

John's voice was so clear and beautiful. Definitely a God-given talent.

On May 21st I was backing up some files on my computer, and I came across that skype video of John singing to me.

I called my mom over to watch it with me, and said, "we should call John tomorrow."

But tomorrow never came.

John, the next day, when I heard the news that you were gone, my heart stopped. To know you felt such extreme pain that you couldn't bear to live anymore. Nobody can ever understand another's pain, but I feel like those of us who have lived with the agony of RSD can understand where your mind was in those moments. You were so, so strong, for such a long time.

Words escape me.

However, the bible says this:

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

John, I know from our many conversations that you believed this.

I believe you are now seeing Jesus, face to face. Safe and sound.

I see you laughing and smiling, as you run recklessly into Jesus' loving arms, feeling no pain as you move, for the first time after so many years of suffering.

I hear you singing along with the angels, fully clothed with a healed mind and a brand new body.

I see you reunited with your beloved cat, Frankie boy. I see you happy, and at peace.

.”…You just call out my name/And you know wherever I am/I'll come running to see you again…”

I know where you are and I will see you again.

John, We will all love you Forever.

You've always got a friend.

Love, Jessica

In loving memory of John J. Roach
June 14, 1959- May 22, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Exciting news! :)

Hi everyone!

I just realized I haven't updated this blog since February!! Oops! Time seems to move by so fast! I am still feeling incredibly well & making continued progress in my recovery!

I have some exciting news to share! On July 4th I have been asked to share my testimony at the Alamodome in San Antonio as part of a National Christian youth gathering... (

... In front of 25,000 people!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel so honored and so blessed to have this opportunity to share the amazing work God has done in my life! It goes without saying that this journey of illness would never have been the plan I would have chosen for my life... But I now stand in awe at how God has used it for good, and given me a new purpose.

The theme of the conference is "Live Loved", and I will be speaking about the Love who Lived--Jesus--And how even in the midst of unspeakable pain He was with me.

I am very excited... But also a little nervous! 25,000 is a LOT of people!!! Please pray for me to have the right words to speak, and that God is glorified through my words!

Also, this past week, I was blessed to have Dr. Rainbow here in Naples Florida with me!!!

Having Dr. Rainbow here felt like a dream... We shopped, tanned, wined & dined and made sooo many incredible happy & healthy memories together, almost as if the past years were a distant memory.

I will never forget the memories I have with Dr. Rainbow... Both then & now!

Thanks for checking in!

God bless!

Xoxo Jess

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28