Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Back in Monterrey...

Hola from Monterrey smile emotico

 I wanted to share the beautiful view from here tonight and thank everyone for the endless amount of love, support and prayers that have carried me through the most difficult battle of my life, once again.

I know so many of you continue to take this journey with me and I want to continue to share it, but right now talking, writing, or even thinking about the past months is still a bit too overwhelming and my body and brain need to recover. 

4 months ago I found myself back in a place I'd hoped to never be again, in the ICU, fighting to survive... Multiple surgeries over the past year and a major sepsis infection caused an RSD relapse to hit my body hard and I was medically in worse condition than when I first came to Monterrey back in 2009.

I will probably never know or understand why this setback happened, but I know understanding doesn't bring peace. Only Jesus does. And as the very wise Dr. Cantu always reminds me- 'just focus on today.'

So, today my heart is beating and today I am breathing. 

Today I am once again able to eat again without a feeding tube and I am in much less pain.

Today my view is of the amazing mountains instead of the inside of an ICU hospital room. Today I watched a movie with Katherine and my Mom.

Today while the road to get back to where I want to be seems long and I feel weak, I am still here with another chance to regain my life. And I have never been more certain of how possible the impossible is with a God who is bigger than any illness or setback, my incredible family, the most dedicated doctors and the many amazing people God continues to send alongside me every step of the way.

I couldn't do this alone and I've never had to, and for that I am most grateful. There will never be words to say thank you. God bless & Que Dios los bendiga

Love, Jessica

 "I will never forget this awful time, Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of God never ends. His mercies never cease. His mercies are new each morning- great is his faithfulness! I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”

Lamentations 3:20-23