Monday, August 31, 2009

A Message from Your Sister Katherine

The following is a message to Jessica from her sister Katherine who just started her first year at college. When you have a daughter that is chronically ill, you miss alot of "firsts". It is our hope that after Jessica is well from this treatment, our family can once again experience all those "firsts" together again!!!

Jessica You're Back

To my sister Jessica,

Jessica, all my life you showed me the way. It started off with things that were so easy for you but so big for me. Things like looking both ways before crossing the street, and teaching me how to "pump" so that I could swing on the swing set. I absolutely adored you in every way possible. I wanted to be just like you and always make you proud, in hopes that you would let me feel "cool" and hangout with you and your older friends haha. (well, that didn't always work out so well, but you know how those things usually go!) To me, you have always been this big, bright pillar of light. A light that was burning so bright inside of you that everyone who came in contact with you couldn't help but notice it and be in awe of it. You always had that "something" about you.

Then something horrible happened. You became ill and couldn't do much. No one knew what was wrong, it was one big horrifying mystery. To our horror, you had lyme disease and RSD, and they both slowly started to take over your life. You got sicker and sicker and doctors became more & more concerned. Everyone around you tried to think of things, anything, to bring you back. All of us, in our own great health, thought of solutions but none stuck. Jessica, even when you were the one who couldn't do half the things that we could physically do, somehow you managed to find all these solutions and even shock some of your doctors with your research and ideas! Although, on the outside you were no longer the person you had once been, inside however, that light inside of you was still burning bright. In fact, it was burning brighter than ever. Whenever I would go into your dark room, I always saw the light! Jessica, YOU are the one that kept that light burning so bright! There were so many times when you could have easily turned it off and given up, but you didn't! That light inside of you is the light of hope, the light of bravery, the light of determination, the light of love and of course the light of Jesus Christ, your Lord and savior.

Jessica, when you were put into the ketamine coma, I believe 100% that you did not just lay in a bed and sleep. I believe that God picked you up, held you in his arms, and breathed all of his might and love into you, so that when he layed you back down into your bed, you would wake up renewed in only a way that God almighty could ever do!

Now, I will finally have my sister back! But this time, instead of you showing me the ropes, I am going to show you! I can't wait for you to be able to visit me in college! I will take you to some great parties and we will have the time of our lives together!

I love you so much - more than you could ever possibly imagine. I know you will make it!!! And I can't wait to go for walks with you and talk about everything we haven't been able to talk about for so long!

Love always, your sister

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Difficult Days......................

To all our loved ones,

Our God is truly an awesome God and we thank him each day for all his blessings. Just as his road was not an easy one, yesterday Jessica's day began very different than the last. We were told that there would be difficult days ahead and that was evident yesterday. I won't go into details but once again keep the prayers and comments coming for Jessica. She is a fighter, we all know that, and she will make it through these difficult days.

All my love,
Jessica's Mom

P.S. We will hopefully be out of ICU tomorrow, if all goes well with Jessica. I wanted to personally thank "Froy" for all his help in ICU with my computer, without him I wouldn't be blogging. ( And Juan Carlos too) Also, special thanks to all the doctors & nurses down here, they have been so helpful and put up with me during these difficult days! Muchas Gracias y con mucho amor, madre de Jessica.

Also, special thanks again to Dr. Cantu in helping me to realize that each day could be different than the last, and that this is what is to be expected in the recovery period following the coma.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

A NEW DAY HAS BEGUN.................


In between the shores of despair and tragedy is a ship called hope.
Jessica, so many times you have come perilously close to these destructive shores. And, each time the ship of hope has rescued you.
The captain of this ship is the Lord and its first mate is Mommy. I am simply an observer who is in awe of your strength and of your will to live.
And the sheer will of Mommy who has reached out to grab your hands every time you begin to sink.
Jessica, eventually the ship of hope will dock at the peer of life. And it is then that you will walk ashore with healthy legs surrounded by your loving family.

Love, Daddy


The last two days have been nothing short of miraculous. Jessica has been unable to move for over 2 years. She has had to live in a totally black room and even then, required sunglasses and earphones due to her incredible sensitivity to noise and light. No one has been able to even touch her slightly without screams. I could go on and on about the hell that this kid has lived with – something no human being should ever have had to endure.

Yesterday was the 5th day of the coma and the ketamine was turned off but she was then put on Propofol. The intention was to allow her body to truly rest in preparation for a tough road ahead. Last night, although she was still asleep, she moved her legs!!! What is amazing is that her one leg has been in a full contracture for two years. She continued to rest through the night and then the Propofol was weaned this morning. She woke up and began to move her legs all over the place. Her left foot had “drop foot” which was believed to be permanent damage but it looks like it is resolved. She was extubated and has been breathing fine all day. She has continued to move all day. Early this afternoon, it was obvious that she wanted to talk. We had a board for her to write on and when we gave it to her, she wrote “I love you Mommy”. It was heart wrenching. Then she started talking. Her first word was SHIT. We all laughed. She then went on to say a million things and it was clear that she understood where she was and what was happening. The doctors were absolutely amazed. When the nurses came back in the room, she said “se hablo espanole??” She stopped talking for the rest of the day but then started again tonight. She has gotten combative at times and her strength is incredible. Sarah Gina and I have bruises but we are ecstatic that she has the strength to move in the way that she does. When she was really upset, Sarah Gina started to sing to Jessica and Jessica sang with her. She remembered every word from a song they used to sing when she was younger called “House upon a clouds”. It was a precious thing to watch.

This has truly been a day of “firsts” for Jessica. She listened to the music coming from my IPhone – something she has not been able to do for three years. She has socks on which has been too painful for her to endure for a long time. We were able to brush her hair. She shows no signs of being in pain and seems to be loving all that she can hear and all that she can see.

The road will not always be easy but there is no doubt that God is leading the way on this journey. I am pretty convinced that Jessica will be impacting so many other lives. She has already been an inspiration to every doctor, every nurse and every other person who has met her. But most of all, she has been an inspiration to the two other families whose daughters are still in their comas. They have seen Jessica’s miracle and can’t wait for their daughter’s miracles to also unfold.

God is alive and well in Mexico!!!


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Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hi to All,

Just had to share the following with all of you who have been so supportive and loving, but I only have a minute, so here goes:


Till tomorrow.......its only a day away.......

Love and praise be to God always,
Jessica's Mom


Hi to all our loved ones,

SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning Dr. Cantu and his team will begin the process of bringing Jessica out of the ketamine coma! He wants to do it slowly so that she wakes up on Friday - the 27th. I knew my Jessica could do it and she did!

I can only say that I am completely in awe of my daughter Jessica. These past five days have been truly amazing. To see what she is enduring in the hopes of a "pain-free" and functioning life, is so inspiring to me. I have felt my heart pounding with anticipation on how she will feel after this and what is in store for us in the difficult days ahead. I am so glad that Nita is coming to help us.

Apparently, when you come out of the coma, you can have vivid hallucinations, some of them frightening! You may not recognize your family at first and you may have visual problems and body movements that you can't control.

For me, I just can't wait to talk to her again and to tell her that I admire her so much and ask her what it felt like to be in the coma!
I guess in the days and weeks ahead we will know how successful the treatment is for Jessica.

Keep the prayers coming as she emerges from the coma. Our hope is for the miracle to happen for her and we pray that this will bring her a "rebirth" into a new life that is free of pain and sickness and only good things - she deserves it more than anyone I know!

I will keep you posted!

With renewed hope for Jessica,
Sarah Gina (Jessica's Mom)

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi to all from Mexico,
Jessica is entering Day 4 of the coma at 4:00 PM today and oh, how these days seem so long! Dr. Cantu, Dr. Luis, Dr. Fernando, and all the team are amazing. Today I have been told not to talk to Jessica as these next 2 days before emerging from the coma are supposed to be quiet, as her brain needs to rest and get ready for the hard days ahead. She does seem more restful today than the past 3 days and the lesions on her arms, stomach, and legs are dramatically lessening and appear less red and angry looking.
I do tell her I am in the ICU room with her and I know, as only a mother can know, that she hears me and senses my presence with her. Tomorrow, our dear friend Nita, who is also a nurse, is coming to Mexico to help Jessica in those first difficult days of coming out of the coma. I am told that we will need to be fully rested in order to help Jessica the most, as sleep during those days for Nita and I will be minimal.

On a personal note, I wanted to thank Debbie and the Wilford family who are also here with their loved one Emily, who is undergoing the ketamine coma at the same time as Jessica. They have been so helpful and supportive down in the ICU. Also, the Brown family who have been in Mexico since July with their son Justin, who also underwent the coma treatment. They are so helpful in that they have been here and know the "ropes", so to speak. Along with the Emmanuel family, who are also waiting, we "americanos" have a special bond in that we all have a loved one who has been suffering with RSD and the widespread unbearable pain it causes! Even here, God has blessed me with support from fellow english-speaking americans from the USA.

Till tomorrow, and in God's love, always
Jessica's Mom


God Bless Jessica and all those who are ill.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hi to all our family & friends & strangers we don't even know,

As I write to you today, I am sitting in a chair in the ICU of the hospital in Monterrey, Mexico. First, let me thank all of you for all the love and support you have shown us through your beautiful comments and prayers. It is @ 1:00 AM and I have just read them to her as she enters day 3 of the coma. I know she can hear me because she squeezes my hand! The ketamine coma is different that the regular coma in that patients have body movements and they can even open their eyes from time to time. I want everyone to know that just a few hours ago, Jessica was able to move her right foot and also jerk her left leg up - something
she hasn't been able to do for quite some time --- The doctors and I am so hopeful with these new signs of movement, more than words can even express!!! As I have said before, my darling Jessica is an amazing person and each day of this journey into "coma-land" has been an eye-opener for me. We are so hopeful, so very, very hopeful that in the days ahead when Jessica emerges from the coma, all indications will be positive and the pain with which she has been suffering will be just a bad memory. It will take time as Jessica's brain and central nervous system resets, and the road will be long and hard, but oh what a blessing to at least be able to take these steps and have this chance at a full recovery for Jessica!

Keep Jessica in your prayers and keep the comments coming as I will be reading them to her everyday. May God bless you all with good health because it is the one thing in life you can't put a price on.......

All my love, till tomorrow
Jessica's Mom

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Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hi to all our family and friends,

Just wanted everyone to know that yesterday at @ 4:00 PM , Jessica went into the ketamine coma and took the first step of her journey back to a new life, one that will hopefully be pain-free and restorative for her. It has been an amazing past 12 hours with a most AMAZING daughter - I have come to admire her more and more each day! I will try to blog again a little later with more details, but just wanted everyone to know that so far all is well. Continue to pray for Jessica, as she will need all of those prayers in the days ahead....

Love, Jessica's Mom

"For I will restore health unto thee...said the Lord".
Jeremiah 30:17

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


My Dearest Jessica,

What can I say to a daughter that continues to amaze me everyday? From the moment you were just a little baby and you spoke your first words of "whats thatttt" at the age of 4 months (we have the video to prove it) to the time when you were 9 months old and took your first steps into my arms, I have known what a special gift from God you are!!! Do you remember how you were so determined to ride your two-wheeler and you became the first one on Huntington Road to do it? How about all of the things you wanted to do growing up and had to try them all - like - ballet, piano, soccer, girl scouts, lacrosse, to name only a few! Fast forward to just four years ago , when you joined the varsity tennis team and also began your first job as a hostess/manager at an upscale restaurant during the first half of your senior year in high school - all while still going to school --- that's just the kind of person you are! Smart, determined, loving, amazing --- my one and only Jessica!!!!!!!

Now today Jessica, that little girl that tried and excelled in everything you have done, will once again take a journey that only you can do and that only you can win - and you will emerge victorious - because this journey will bring you the healing and restoring of your body back to that little girl that was able to do and accomplish so many wonderful things, my dearest Jessica!

Jessica, please know that Mommy will be with you every step of the way today and in the hard days ahead, just as you and I have taken the steps of this past 3 1/2 years together, as only you can know! Stay strong with the hope and faith and knowledge that you can do anything with the good Lord who strengthens you and heals you!

Sweet dreams today as you go into the coma and know that with the certainty of your mothers' love, the wisdom of the doctors, and the peace of the Lord that passeth all understanding - I will be waiting for you with open arms to say to you - Jessica, you made it, I knew you would, and I LOVE YOU more than you can ever know..........

All my love, always , Mom


Friday, August 21, 2009

We Made It!!! DAY 1-MEXICO



Hi to all,
Sorry I'm so late in writing this, but it took some time to get the computer on Mexico's internet.

We arrived here at 2:30 PM Mexico time (Which is 3:30 PM) USA time.
Because of Jessica's previous flight, it was the doctors recommendation to sedate her better for this flight as well as continuous oxygen and monitoring while on board. The flight crew (Victor-paramedic and Christine-ICU nurse) used all of the versed on board in order to safely sedate Jessica but she still woke up in between doses! They were phenomenal! They even came with us in the ambulance ride from the airport to the hospital to keep her medicated for the grueling, bumpy, 45 min. ride. In Spanish you say " muy rapido" to go faster - we were saying the opposite - "Muy despachio" - go slower!!! The pilot and co-pilot did a fantastic job in getting us all here safely. Special thanks to Steve - the President of American Aviation Jets for meeting us at the airport in Tampa and for his words of encouragement. Grandma Josie and Uncle Vinnie saw Jessica off as well! Also, special thanks to our trusted ambulance crew in Tampa - Jason & Eric - they were great and even gave Jessica a stuffed animal bear which we affectionately named "Buttdoll" in honor of their last names!

Now, about Mexico and Dr. Cantu and the hospital. It is a state-of-the-art hospital. As you know I have been in many hospitals over the past years between David and Jessica and I must say this is the cleanest, modernist, spacious room hospital I have ever been in. The nurses do not speak English but my Spanish is in full swing already and by the time we are back I may have to learn English again! Dr. Cantu is as sweet in person as he was on the phone and he is very handsome also. Upon seeing Jessica and in conference with the other doctors, they have determined that Jessica's case is indeed a complex one, but are hopeful that with this coma study/treatment we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

SPECIAL NOTE: It is possible that Jessica may go into the coma as early as tomorrow - Saturday August 22nd. I will keep you posted, so please pray for Jessica and keep the comments coming, I read them to her everyday!!!

All our love, always, and in God's love,
Sarah Gina (Jessica's Mom)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Message From Jessica

To all,
I am typing this special message from Jessica today - the day we finally leave:

Hi all, Thank you all for all of your love & support!

I can't believe I am hours away from going to Mexico! I am excited, hopeful,... also a little scared, even though the thought of spending the rest of my life like this is far more terrifying.

I am so grateful to my family. My Mom has given up her life to be by my side and has been my rock. My sisters, Katherine and Michelle and my Dad have been so supportive and have sacrificed so much for me. Thank you!

I know that God has brought me this far all for a reason and I know that He will see me through this treatment too.

"I can do all things in Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 only a day away

To All our Family and Friends,

In just one day we leave by air ambulance jet from Tampa, Fl. to Monterrey, Mexico. The final preparations on this end have been many...from last minute doctor appointments to getting all our medications in order, to packing everything you think you are going to need in one suitcase per person!
The aide who is coming with us, Jessie ( another Jessica!) arrived today. She will be with us for the beginning part of the hospital stay. Then we will be having Nita, Diane, Nancy, and ...... coming down to Monterrey to help us as well. This is something that I cannot do alone and we will need supportive help for Jessica both during and after the coma. God has truly blessed us with tremendous support from family and friends - we are so grateful.

Now, on a personal note, as a Mom, and as Jessica's Mom, I am constantly amazed at what the human body can endure, but more importantly what the human spirit is capable of ---- my daughter Jessica is truly amazing! She is the strongest person I will ever know and I know she will be able to dig down deep and fight really hard to emerge even stronger and so much better than before - she deserves it and I love her so very much, more than words can ever say!

The bible says in ISAIAH 41:13:

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and
says to you, DO NOT FEAR, I WILL HELP YOU."

Pray for Jessica.



Monday, August 17, 2009

3 Days and counting.....

As the day is finally drawing near, my mind is racing and my heart is pounding with so many emotions........Today Jessica's Dad wrote her a beautiful note for me to read to her. We laughed about some funny stories he recounted and we cried at how the past three years have been such a journey.
Theodore Roosevelt once wrote:

We believe that with our deep faith in God and his guiding ways with the doctors, Jessica will make it thru, healed and restored.

Love, Sarah Gina (Jessica's Mom)


Sunday, August 16, 2009

4 Days till lift-Off

I can't believe that in 4 more days we will be leaving Tampa for Mexico with high hopes and expectations for Jessica. It is amazing to me to think about her journey so far and how much she has had to endure and face. She is the strongest person I know. She will emerge from this coma victorious because of her sheer will and determination to get better and get her life back!

One of Jessica's ambulance paramedics, Jeff, once wrote the following for her:

Joy and
Elation when
In the

With God's love, always, Jessica's Mom


Friday, August 14, 2009

6 more days

Jessica is in alot of pain and the lesions are becoming more widespread. She is nervous, scared, hopeful, but if it was up to her we would already be on the plane and in Mexico! She is looking forward to going into the coma and getting relief from the pain and finally getting some sleep and well needed rest. Keep the prayers and comments coming. I have been reading them to her and she is really touched by all of them.

Sarah Gina (Jessica's Mom)


Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Week!

Time is moving quickly, and slowly, if that makes any sense. Alot of preparations to be made. Jessica was interviewed yesterday by Angela from Fox News - Miami. I was so proud of my daughter! She is a very special person, I am truly blessed! Even through all her pain, she found the energy to somehow answer her questions with such honesty. It was very emotional for all. We will attach the link for it when it becomes available.

Till tomorrow and with Gods Love, Jessica's Mom

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8 More Days

Today Fox News will be doing a report on RSD and the Ketamine Coma Study. As you know, Jessica is a very private person, but when asked by Dr. Kirkpatrick if she would be willing to be a part of it, she felt that if it could help someone else who is suffering like she is, it would be an important thing to do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

9 Days and Counting

As we prepare ourselves for whats ahead, we have many emotions going on. From nervous, anxious, scared, excited , to name a few. ....but....the greatest of all these emotions is hopeful! I think without hope and the love of God and all of you, life would not have the same meaning.

P.S.... We just heard from Dr. Kirkpatrick that Jessica will be interviewed with him at his office on Wednesday by Fox TV - Miami for a story on RSD & the Ketamine Coma Study! We will publish the link on this site when it is airing and available.

Love to all, Jessica's Mom

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 Days To Go...

To all our family and friends,

In exactly ten days from now - on Aug. 20th - Jessica and I will begin the journey to Monterrey, Mexico. It is our hope that this treatment will restore renewed health and well-being to our Jessica! Please know that we will carry with us all of your hopes and prayers, and I know they will strengthen Jessica in the difficult days ahead. It is our hope that by updating this blog daily, you can take this next step with us too, just as you all have been with us these past 3 years! Till tomorrow and in God's love.....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Jessica's Story

Jessica's Journey to Getting Her Life Back
By Sarah Gina (Mom)

As we begin this journey toward renewed health we would like to express our sincere heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Dr. Anthony Kirkpatrick and all the work he has done and continues to do in order to bring patients like my daughter Jessica back to a more meaningful life and restored from this devastating illness called RSD or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Also, special thanks to Dr. Fernando Cantu and his team of doctors in Mexico for taking on a difficult case like my daughters, Words cannot express the renewed sense of hope that we have that one day, our Jessica, can regain her life that has been taken away from her – May God Bless you all!

Jessica’s Story

Once an A+ student who loved school, was involved in many extracurricular activities, played varsity tennis, lacrosse and gymnastics and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, our daughter Jessica has spent the last 3 years incapacitated, paralyzed, unable to sit or walk and eat. She spends her days confined to a hospital bed, wearing sunglasses and noise-canceling headphones, due to severe light and sound sensitivity.

Jessica and her sisters, 2 mos. before becoming ill

The pain she feels is indescribable and all attempted treatments have not even come close to relieving her suffering. She has seen many, many doctors, undergone numerous painful tests and procedures, has been prescribed over 50 medications, and has been hospitalized frequently including being intubated and on a ventilator. She is severely debilitated and currently is only 92 pounds. This is certainly no life for a 21 year old young woman!

Jessica is suffering from neurologic Lyme disease and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), a severely debilitating and painful neuromuscular disorder. She suffers daily with constant sharp, stabbing, tingling and burning pain; throughout her body; severe headaches; paralysis; intense muscle spasms; gastroparesis; seizures; twisting of her limbs (dystonia); sensitivity to any touch (allodynia); extreme sensitivity to lights and sounds; excessive sweating; swelling; fevers; softening of bones; decreased hair growth; redness and discoloration of the limbs; and painful skin ulcers. She describes the pain in her legs as if someone is pouring acid over them and her head pain as if she has banged it against a concrete wall! The pain is constant and unrelenting, but despite her suffering, her faith in God remains and she still has hope for her future.

Jessica's painful skin lesions

Jessica's journey began in 1999, when she was only 11 years old. She became very ill with Mono and was bed bound for 3 months. She subsequently developed RSD (stage 1) of the lower right leg. She received early intervention and underwent physical therapy and the RSD went into remission. She returned to playing sports and enjoying her life.

Jessica, age 15, at summer camp

Four years later, in 2003, while away at a sleep-away camp, she developed a rash behind her right knee, coincidentally in the same leg that previously had RSD! At the time, the doctor and nurse at camp said it was “duck rash” – a rash from swimming in the lake with duck feces. Through Jessica’s sheer determination she was able to obtain photos taken of her at the camp from another camper which shows the classic “bulls-eye” rash from Lyme disease. It wasn’t until much later and only after developing symptoms and becoming very ill, was the diagnosis of Lyme disease and Babesiosis (another tick-borne infection) made.

Most people (and doctors!) have no idea how serious Lyme disease can become and no clue how to properly diagnose it. Unfortunately, if she would have been promptly diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease, the RSD would not have been triggered and she would not be suffering.

July 2003, Jessica's Lyme disease rash

If it wasn’t for her doctor, Dr. Liegner, and his expertise with complex cases of Lyme, and his determination to try any means in getting her well, by getting a “team” of doctors on her case, we wouldn’t be here today, still fighting. We owe him a deep sense of gratitude for all he does for Jessica!

During these past three years and with the pain becoming more intense and unbearable she has been seeing Dr. Finkelstein for pain management. He has even made house calls to spare her the pain of coming by ambulance to his office. Jessica has been treated with multiple pain medications, at the highest possible doses, as well as an implanted dilaudid pain pump, which delivers potent medication straight into her spine. Many doctors have told us that with the amount of medications Jessica was taking would be enough to “kill a horse”—yet they had little to no effect on her. If it wasn’t for Dr. Finkelstein trying to alleviate her constant, severe, unrelenting pain, I don’t know how she would have managed. He is very special to us as well.

Recently Jessica was transported by air ambulance to Tampa, Florida to see Dr. Anthony Kirkpatrick, a world renowned RSD expert. Dr. Kirkpatrick told us that Jessica is one of the most debilitated patients he has ever seen.

Jessica getting into the air-ambulance to go see Dr. Kirkpatrick

Dr. Kirkpatrick then explained that there are currently three kinds of ketamine treatments for RSD: the awake technique (continuous low dosage for 4-5 days), outpatient high-dose infusion (4 hours a day for 3 days), and the coma technique (continuous high dosage for 5 days).

Upon his testing and because Jessica's RSD is full body and so severe, Dr. Kirkpatrick is recommending the only treatment available that can possibly put her in remission and afford her some semblance of a “normal” life - the Ketamine Coma Procedure - a clinical trial that is being conducted in Monterrey, Mexico. During this procedure Jessica will be put into a coma for five days, with the hope that her brain will “reset” itself so that her nervous system sends the correct signals to her brain.

Yes, this is a radical, scary treatment, however, for Jessica, "scary" is thinking that she could spend the rest of her life in this condition, unable to walk, eat, or take care of herself. Since all reasonable treatments have failed to help her, we feel we must try everything possible to help Jessica regain her life.

We understand that due to Jessica’s fragile condition, there is a high risk associated with this procedure. We are also aware that other patients with severe RSD like Jessica's have had success.

Jessica’s goal is to one day become a doctor. Our hope is that with this study she can have that chance. As her Mom, I know that she will be a great doctor because when a patient presents in her office and says “Doctor, I am in pain and words cannot express how bad it is” – my daughter –Dr. Jessica– will be able to say - :I know how you feel, I’ve been there too. So, take a seat and let me tell you a story”….

We are so thankful and feel so blessed to have been led to you, Dr. Kirkpatrick.

God is good and with his help guiding Dr. Cantu and Dr. Kirkpatrick, our hope is for Jessica to be able to return to us whole again and pain-free!