Wow! I can't believe that Christmas is only 13 days away. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating a magnificent Thanksgiving celebration here in the apartment with Jessica's doctors! That was such a very special day - and probably one of the most amazing Thanksgivings Jessica and I have ever had! Just imagine Jessica being able to eat turkey and all of its trimmings for the first time in years - and then - just imagine being able to share that meal with the doctors who have been by your side these past 15 months - and better yet - Dr. Cantu (aka Dr. "Green Shirt") carving the very turkey you are about to eat!!! I think it is so hard to put into words the joy that I felt for Jessica and her doctors that day --- it's beyond words and a memory that will be forever etched in my mind and in all the doctors and their families who were here that night! Not only did God bless us with wonderful company - but I must say - the turkey was the Best turkey I have ever made --- and I have made many!!! We all had a good laugh, though, when Dr. Cantu informed us all that the turkey was so delicious due to his wonderful carving --- hahaha --- and not due to the 4 hours or so it took me to cook it!!! Oh well --- I think I will let him have the credit for the turkey this time --- he deserves it!!! Also, there was not a dry eye in the room as they watched a special "Thank You" video presentation that Jessica had made on her computer to honor them. It included special photos and songs of her journey so far. I know it goes without saying how very proud I am of my daughter - she makes me so very proud to be called her Mom!
And, now, Christmas is once again upon us, and oh, what a difference a year can make!!!
For all of you who follow this blog and faithfully pray for Jessica each and every day - thank you All and may God bless you and your families during this --- the most special time of the year - Christmas - the birth of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Last Christmas, as you may recall, was a very difficult time for Jessica. She had been experiencing many difficulties post the coma, including major infections and the neurological problems she was experiencing with her eyesight --- she couldn't see --- her visual field was plagued by green static vision. That, coupled with the intense, unbearable pain, fevers, lesions, tubes, etc.......to name a few ...... made it a very stressful time to say the least! But, I do remember the Christmas miracle last year as her sight was restored after Dr. Cantu put her back in the ICU. They say that God helps to erase those painful memories in time, and, I am grateful to say, I try not to think and remember them as much as I can. But, I do think that it is important in life to remember where you have been. You have to reflect on the road traveled so far, to realize how very far you have come and how, with faith and prayers and the love and grace of God, and, in Jessica's case, amazing doctors, ALL things are truly possible!
We, as a family, are so looking forward to this Christmas! As I write this blog, Jessica is listening to Christmas music --- something she hasn't been able to do for a number of years due to her extreme noise sensitivity! Last night, we were able to watch a movie on TV called "It's A Wonderful Life" - something she also hasn't been able to do for the past years due to her photo-phobia - or extreme light sensitivity! I am cooking up a storm! For those of you who know me, I love to cook. It is my hobby and one that I enjoy so much --- it is a great stress reliever for me. It is such a pleasure to be able to cook for Jessica once again, and for her to be able to enjoy eating again - another thing she can now enjoy once again since she no longer has her J-feeding tube in her intestines! This morning, we had such a good laugh, over something so silly --- but --- even that is a milestone for us! You see, she can now laugh again, because, she is in so much less pain than a year ago! ALL of these "little" things are really "Big" things for patients like Jessica, who have experienced pain and sickness on a level that, even as her Mom, I can never, ever, really fully understand!
In just under two weeks, Jessica's Dad and sister Michelle are coming for Christmas. Katherine will be spending Christmas with her Grandma and my family in Marco Island and instead will be coming to Monterrey in January to help Jessica and I celebrate our birthdays.
It goes without saying, but, I believe that this Christmas will be a very special one. For Jessica, she will be able to enjoy all the sights, sounds, and tastings of Christmas - something she hasn't been able to do for a number of years. For me, I can honestly say that I will be able to "breathe again" this Christmas and just be happy in seeing Jessica happy again!
Remember that these are the special times of Christmas. A time when we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas - as we celebrate His birth - and all of its magnificence and splendor. It is because of Jesus that we have life! As a Christian, I know, that thru Him All things are possible and All things are New once again.... I know this, Jessica knows this.......our hope is that You know this as well!
Merry Christmas --- Keep Christ in Christmas!!!
In God's love, always,
Sarah Gina (Mom to 3)***
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We are so glad you were able to enjoy such a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast with your Monterrey Family!
And there is so much to be thankful for. Jessica, your health has improved so much in the last year, it is truly miraculous how far you have come.
It has been a priviledge to witness such an amazing transformation, to see God's work unfolding before our eyes.
We are so happy to hear that your Dad and Michelle are coming down for Christmas. They will be so delighted with all the changes they will see.
May God continue to bless you and your family and complete your healing.
With love & prayers,
The Turners
It is SO wonderful to read the blog... I check it often for udpates (and ask Dave too!!)...
Jessica's progress is a wonderful testament to faith and strength. Her improvements are astonishing!
May you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas! and Best wishes...
Lenny Rivera
I share this joy with you as it has been so wonderful to hear how Jessica is living in the moment and finding new joys each day! Thank our heavenly father for all He has been doing! :)
It is a wonderful life is one of my all tinme favourite Christmas movies. I am glad you got to enjoy it together.
May God continue the restorative work begun and may your family be reunited again!
Hi there ladies!! What wonderful Christmas Magic is in the air!! Yes Jesus is the reason for the season! We are going to make a special birthday cake for Jesus thanking him and his sweet father for making all our wishes come true for you!! This is the best Christmas ever for all of us!
Have fun with Daddy and Michelle sweet Jessica!! Love you Sarah Gina!
Nancy and Joe
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!! Jessica, your miracle gives hope to so many! I love you both. Wish I could have been there for Sarah Ginas cooking!! Love, Nita
He was born of a woman
so we would be born of God ...
He humbled Himself
so we could be lifted up ...
He became a servant
so we could be made heirs ...
He suffered rejection
so we could be His friends ...
He denied Himself
so we could freely receive all things
He gave Himself
so He could bless us in every way!
May you know His love this Christmas and always,
With love & prayers,
The Turners
Hi Gina and Jessica,
It is so wonderful to read your posts! Jessica has come so far over the last year. We are so happy for all of you. We wish you a very Merry Christmas. May God continue to Bless you :-)
This is wonderful.
Last Christmas was my first since my Lyme diagnosis, and it felt like a first Christmas all over again. And when I chart my progress from last year to this Christmas, I feel so lucky and remember everything I've gotten back.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Dearest Jessica and Sara Gina,
The photo of your Christmas tree adorned with the Infant Jesus against the backdrop of the Sierra de la Silla Mountains speaks volumes.
For you to be able to celebrate this Christmas as a family and with pure happiness in your hearts is a joy that few people can fully understand.
Those who witnessed your journey unfold are almost speechless. It is hard to find words that express what is felt so deep inside.
It seems so appropriate that you are living up high now, towards the clouds and closer to Heaven than ever.
We give thanks to God for your "re-birth" and are humbled to know you.
Merry Christmas With Much Love,
Rosemary and John
MY Lord...a miracle to just read your post on Thanksgiving with Jessica...yes he does hear the cry of his people...Jessica we are so happy for you and wish you a wonderful Christmas to be shared with your family. Enjoy each moment and of course, your moms great food. The Lord Jesus be with all of you and continue to shine his light upon you.
Have a Blessed Christmas and much peace and good health in the New Year!
Love in Christ
Angela,John, Ben, Dan & Michael xoxoxoxoxooxo
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